Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Girl Can Change Her Mind, Can't She?

Yeah, well, I did. Instead of a Rigid Heddle loom, it's going to be a tapestry loom. The windfall refund won't arrive until next month, so I've done a ton more research and my ideas for weaving fall more into the tapestry category instead of the weaving category. It's like painting with fiber-so what could be better than that? Nothing, I say! Nothing.
Ordering a book to get me started called Tapestry Weaving: A Comprehensive Study Guide by Nancy Harvey. It's going to be a used one....jaysus! the new ones are over $100. Way out of my budget, but a used one is about $35, so I think I can swing that and who cares if the cover is a little bent and faded...not me. It's the insides that are gold! All of my lovely digital paintings are waiting to be transformed into tapestries...perhaps some will be good enough (one day) to exhibit and/or sell.
Meanwhile...whilst waiting for that lovely windfall to week is Spring Break and I am so looking forward to that!! I have a couple of baby things to make for the ladies at school who are expecting. It's like a dang epidemic glad that I am grandma age and safe from all of that!!! Happy for them though. (glad it's them, not me)
I woke up way too early's time for another cup of coffee....

Monday, March 12, 2012

For days now I've been seriously thinking about what I am going to do when I retire in a couple of years. I can't see me sitting at home every single day, but I have to have something creative to do and in my imaginings, I'm going to be doing something fibery...spinning, perhaps or, and this is what I have been thinking of, weaving.
It all stems from not getting to follow my dream as a young person. I wanted to go to art school and become a textile designer, but my parents had a hissy fit and said I couldn't do that-it wasn't a "fitting" career for a girl. (??????????) I still question that in my mind after all these 40+ years. I won't even go there now, because that is just pointless. However, I will go with the idea of being a textile designer in my retirement years! Tom and I discussed it and today, after we learned that we're getting a honking big tax refund, I decided I would begin that foray into weaving by deciding to purchase an Ashford Heddle Loom 32" (with stand, mind you). I am excited beyond words and can't wait for said honking refund to make it to my checking account so I can order the loom!!! Well, you know I'll love it because I took to spinning and knitting and crochet like a duck to water and this is all a part of that kind of stuff. I'm just crazy about fiber and fabric and threads and stuff. I love it...I love color.
I also took a look at my digital artwork again and I still want to weave the teal and orange, but there is also one that would be excellent for weaving, once I get the hang of it. Until then, scarves, rugs, curtains, etc...maybe.
Went to the library and checked out all the good weaving books they have...research, research, research. Watching YouTube and next week I want to inventory the hand spun and store bought yarn I have that I can use for weaving projects.
These may be the best years of my life!